Friday, September 2, 2011

Tip of the Week: Choosing the Perfect Wedding Cake

I had the pleasure of attending a cake consultation with one of my brides this week, MacKenzie. Her and her groom asked for advice on where to go for a quality wedding cake for a cheap price. I immediately suggested Granite Bakery, one of the best bakeries in the state. They do quality work for a low cost. We headed on down for a consultation and started hammering out what MacKenzie wanted in the perfect wedding cake... or at least, what she would consider the perfect wedding cake. Now, I am not going to give way the surprise of her cake, although, I can tell you that it is going to be spectacular and I am extremely excited to share from her photos but we'll come back to that later. However, the consultation did get me thinking about the perfect wedding cake and what you, as a bride (or groom), should apply to that question. So here are a few tips:

- Your first and foremost suggestion is to show up to your first consultation with ideas and inspiration in hand. Don't be afraid to bring your entire wedding notebook to the consultation. I know in that notebook you will have everything that your perfect wedding will include so far and that is going to be the foundation of your wedding cake. You'll want to bring pictures of cakes that you have seen and liked, the internet has a plethora of different wedding cake pictures and you can print as many as you like. The second part is designing your wedding cake around your theme/colors, which is what that notebook will be for. Armed with those supplies, you'll be ready to design that perfect wedding cake.

- Take time to finalize your final design. Don't be in a rush to get every small detail down about the cake. As the weeks and months pass, your wedding design and overall look is going to progress and take shape, and in the end your cake design can take on it's final details then. You have time. You should be booking your cake baker 6-8 months before your wedding date. Finalizing the cake however, can take more time. You can finalize anywhere up to 2-8 weeks, depending on your cake baker and what they feel comfortable with.

- Choose your favorite flavors. At your first consultation, you should be trying all the flavors that sound the yummiest to you and your fiance. And don't be afraid to ask to try more! This is always the groom's favorite part; bring him a long for a fun consultation and he gets to eat yummy cake, and let's face it, which groom doesn't like cake! It's a win/win situation for both parties. Don't be afraid to layer your cake with all your favorite flavors, as well. A standard wedding cake has 3-4 layers and there is no reason you shouldn't put a different flavor on all the different tiers. PS Don't forget to put your favorite flavor on top to share with your new hubby on your first wedding anniversary, if you decide to stick with that tradition.

- When designing your cake take into consideration your color scheme and how you can incorporate that into your cake. It is always nice to have the classic white on white look but to really make the cake stand out at your reception, put some color on it! Don't be afraid! If you are looking for a more elegant look stick with two or fewer colors, or for a more fun, whimsical look add all of your colors to the mix. Both can be beautiful!

- Take into consideration the shape of your cake, as well. If you are planning your wedding now, you probably didn't miss the extremely extravagant details of the Kardashian wedding. All of the layers on Kim's cake were octagonal. What would be right for you? Right now, the most popular is square and probably a bit more expensive than your normal round but you are going to get more servings out a square cake since it is easier and simpler to cut. The more complex the shape, the more expensive you are going to get.

- And lastly, go big, bold, and bright! Don't be afraid to put your personality into it. Often times the cakes forms a centerpiece for the room your reception is held in and you want to show it off. Make sure you are getting what you want and don't be afraid to ask for anything. This is ultimately your day and we want it to go the way you want it to go. Your cake doesn't have to be simple. Make it uniquely you!

Hope you enjoy and Happy Planning!

A wedding cake based around Beauty and the Beast. Created by Cake-A-Licious.

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