Thursday, February 9, 2012

Moving on Up!

Okay so, I know I didn't post on Wednesday, but I thought I would skip this week since I have posted quite a few of them, almost right in a row. I don't just do cake posts so I slipped this week. :P

Anyway, on to what I am really posting about. I am helping with a Corporate Event! My first! I am so excited and have had a blast so far! So, there you have it! More to come soon.

Happy Planning!

Thursday, February 2, 2012

You're Invited... Electronically!

Okay, so anyone who knows me, knows that I am a large geek. I love anything geek related and I never pass up a chance to show it, either. So, here is something new and interesting. Rift, a fantasy based MMORPG, is trying for a Guinness World Record and they need your help! Why, you ask, does some lame video game need a bride-to-be's help? They are going for the record for Most In-Game Marriages in a 24-Hour Period. How fun does that sound? If you are getting married in the real world, why not have some fun with it and tie the knot in-game, too. I know your hubby-to-be will be thrilled to be doing something he might enjoy.

Here are the details. Rift will be holding the ceremonies in-game on the most romantic day of them all, February 14th. That's right! Valentine's Day! Any players who get married between the hours of 9:00 AM PST on Feb. 14 to 9:00 AM PST on Feb. 15 will go down in history, and on the record books, with Rift. How romantic! So make a Valentine's moment out of it and get hitched right before you go out on your special night - hypothetically, of course. I know I will!

The link to find out about all the specifics can be found here. And if you have any fun stories of that night afterwards, please share! I would adore to hear them!

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wedding Cake Wednesday: Wacky Wedding Cakes

So, I thought I would do something fun and simple this Wednesday. We have all seen the fads for wedding cakes in this modern day with the stripes and polkadots, and we even sometimes see some vintage type wedding cakes. But what about those couples that go out on a limb and do something really crazy! The Knot (which, by the way, I love that freaking website!) had a really cute, short article about Wacky Wedding Cakes so I thought I would post some fun pics I found of some really interesting wedding cakes. If you would like to view The Knot's fun article, you can go here to view it.

I hope you enjoy these insane (and often times wacky) wedding cakes!

This one is tame considering the rest. I actually thinks it looks almost classy, looking like a chandelier.

Lego fun!

Some very, um, dark(?) people.

I had to post this one because I loved the second cake shown. I am a huge nerd and I have played WoW (I know, you are judging me, right now) and had to post this most awesome wedding cake.

I am, like every nerd, a Mario lover! I love the third cake so much!

I am not sure what the second one is about but I posted this for the awesome his and her Wii remotes.

Twinkies! No way!

They are really into space traveling or they are really smart people.

And who doesn't love the Beatles! I love this one! So colorful, and I can't say 'no' to anything Beatles.

I loved some of these cakes. So unique! I love people who love to be different. Weddings are about you and your groom and everything in it should reflect you as a couple! There is nothing that is not kosher in my book. As always if you have something fun to share, let me know, I would love to feature you.

Happy Planning!