Friday, September 2, 2011

Tip of the Week: Choosing the Perfect Wedding Cake

I had the pleasure of attending a cake consultation with one of my brides this week, MacKenzie. Her and her groom asked for advice on where to go for a quality wedding cake for a cheap price. I immediately suggested Granite Bakery, one of the best bakeries in the state. They do quality work for a low cost. We headed on down for a consultation and started hammering out what MacKenzie wanted in the perfect wedding cake... or at least, what she would consider the perfect wedding cake. Now, I am not going to give way the surprise of her cake, although, I can tell you that it is going to be spectacular and I am extremely excited to share from her photos but we'll come back to that later. However, the consultation did get me thinking about the perfect wedding cake and what you, as a bride (or groom), should apply to that question. So here are a few tips: